Sunday, 8 February 2009

Bistromatic Gnocchi

Named for the engine powering Slartibastfast's ship in Life, the Universe and Everything, this gnocchi preparation is a tasty dinner time treat.

1 package of gnocchi
2 big handfuls of mushrooms, sliced
4 cloves of garlic, crushed and chopped
1 small jar of tomato sauce
1/2 triangle of brie, skin removed and cut into small chunks.
olive oil

- Boil some water with a pinch of salt and add the gnocchi. Cook as you would normal pasta, but watch it since gnocchi take far less time.
- In the meantime, heat a bit of olive oil and fry the garlic. When the garlic is soft, add the mushrooms.
- When the gnocchi is almost finished and floating to the top, drain it and stir it into the mushroom/garlic mix. Cook until the mushrooms are soft and brown.
- Add the tomato sauce and brie, and stir until the brie is melted.
- Serve with a salad, and remember to move the gnocchi around your plate constantly to make your spaceship go faster.

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