Thursday, 12 March 2009

Penguins with backpacks and lettuce nose-stuffers...

It's officially spring soon, so I though I'd celebrate with a hearty dose of the surreal. So, first of all, check out Picture is Unrelated, billed as our source for WTF? pics and vids. It's a definite must see-- most of the stuff on it is Tate Modern worthy, yet had has the added Dali factor of being presented out of any context, and supposedly isn't posed by Damien Hirst acolytes charging mega-pounds for head-bending.

This article from the Beeb isn't exceptionally noteworthy, though I do find it reasonably disturbing that some poor bloke with a McJob and a sense of humour suffered the possibility of prison for a YouTube prank. Low-wage service jobs cause misanthropy. That's an inexorable Law of the Universe, much like La Loi de Enmerdement Maximale, or Entropy. Anyhoo, what's amusing about this piece is the title. Shout out and major praise for the cub journalist who thought of "lettuce nose-stuffer." Is there a rule in journalism about how to make appropriate nouns for people who do odd things?

If you're in the UK, maybe you'd like to visit the Natural History Museum at Tring, which is "stuffed full of surprises." Literally. It's a taxidermy museum, with all sorts of beasties (like a polar-bear grizzly hybrid) now stuffed with fluffies like Winnie the Pooh. It's on my list of things to do, for sure.

And finally, this penguin can do people things! It carries a backpack and goes shopping! I do that every Saturday! Indeed, the world is full of wonders! Many thanks to Madeline for the link.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to be at home to listen to the songs posted. I am also a heros fan, so I'm curious to have a listen.

    By the way, for the rose jam... I'm pretty sure you can just use rosewater for the first 1/2lb of roses, and then just use the other half for th jam itself. I think that would be a lot more manageable. The tricky thing would be figuring out the right amount of rosewater. Hrm. I may need to try this :D



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