Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Viva la Evolution!

Newsflash! Auntie reported this morning that the Catholic Church wants to learn all about evolution. So, while you probably shouldn't natter on about how condom use in AIDS-rife regions in Africa is somehow a crime to the sanctity of human life, you should make like the Pope on this one and get Darwined up. So, to get you excited about biodiversity, the phenomena that launched Darwin into his explorations of both mind and world, take a look at these wierd, yet sadly endangered animals. It's not just whales that need saving, methinks, but also kiwi birds and olms and bumblebee bats. At Darwin Online you can read all of Darwin's works from the comfort of your personal computer, and after that, you can take a look at the Open University's Darwin page, featuring the Devolve Me thingamabob which will turn a picture of you into what you would have looked like as an australopithecus, as well as an order form for a free Tree of Life poster if you live in the UK. Then, after being there and doing that, you can buy the t-shirt.

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